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And so the week begins again

Good Morning beautiful peeps.

So the weekend has left us and a new one begins, and what a weekend it was. From Hackney riots,


to a man being stabbed outside of Maryland station Stratford.


All of this bad news and so close to home do you ever wonder if we will ever wake up and hear some good news for a change?

I often ask why are we living in a society that produces such highly charged individuals and negativity?

One good bit of news that I have seen this morning is

NHS mental health services to be improved and expanded

The number of trained nurses, therapists, psychiatrists, peer support workers and other mental health professionals will be "dramatically" increased with 21,000 new posts under the plan, according to the Health Department.

Thats a good thing right? If they can actually stick to their word and pull it off.

Who knows what the week has ahead for us all I can say is go out there and be as positive and productive as you can.

check in on my daily blogs to keep posted on varying news and motivational topics.

Have a great week and see y'all on the other side.


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