There is a lesson in everything
I had a very interesting morning today. I got up and checked my phone around 6.30am, as I thought that I would be having a tennis session with a friend. We had arranged either one of two days, now me being business minded and them being a light that turns up and shines in the moment, I expected some form of communication. I did not see any message or call so assumed that we must be meeting on the other day that was planned and as it was spitting tiny drops of rain I thought naaa they ain't coming so I went back to bed.
Low and behold I heard a knock the light had turned up, quickly putting on a dressing gown I went downstairs opened the front door and said. "Is it alright for tennis today then?" that was me thinking that it was too grey and muggy. They remarked "Any day is good for tennis" so I said "Give me 5." And swiftly tried to get myself together as quickly as I possibly could I washed, brushed my teeth dressed and yes made that important cup of coffee. Grabbed my tennis bag amongst other things, couldn't find my keys so the whole process took me around ten minutes. I opened the door and the light had gone they were nowhere to be seen.
I hopped into the garden and grabbed my son's bike. Coffee in one hand and heavy bag in the other thinking that I could catch them up. What a balancing act have you ever tried to ride a bike with a mug of coffee and heavy bag on your back I must say I nearly ended up in the river a couple of times. The tennis court was empty.
I went and sat on the bench inside and sipped my coffee contemplating the reasons why and realised that there was a lesson here always be prepared we said 7am get up and be ready.
I must say I still did some service shots and saw the most amazing things. Parrots flying and singing, there were flinches making a racket and flying in synchronicity the most awesome sight of all was about fifty geese flying overhead they were majestic. I was so happy that although the light had disappeared I saw greatness and felt free in that very moment.